family standing in front of a house

Why Energy Fit Homes℠?

Energy Fit Homes is designed specifically for existing residential properties to recognize homes that meet energy efficiency standards. In addition to everyday energy savings, getting the Energy Fit Homes certification provides peace of mind that you are doing the right thing for yourself, your family, and your environment.

Energy Fit Homes is also the only certification on the market that is customized for existing older homes, has a low administrative cost, and is focused on energy efficiency upgrades that are cost-effective to the homeowner.


Steps toward an Energy Fit Home

Schedule a home assessment

During your home assessment, an auditor will conduct an on-site inspection, evaluating the performance and efficiency of five main areas of your home:

  • Heating system
  • Insulation and air sealing
  • Windows
  • Lighting
  • Ventilation and combustion safety

The information is then entered into our database to generate an ENERGY FITNESS SCORE™ from 0 to 100. The higher the score, the more energy efficient the home, and a score of greater than 95 is the first step to qualify your home for Energy Fit Homes certification (additional lighting, ventilation and combustion safety upgrades may be necessary; if required, they will be specified by the auditor).

Schedule a home assessment

Complete any necessary upgrades

If your home receives an ENERGY FITNESS SCORE™ of 95 or below, the auditor will provide you a report that details the areas of your home that meet energy performance standards and the upgrades necessary to improve your total score. Upgrades are listed in order of priority and include the estimated costs as well as any eligible rebates for homeowners.


Prepare your application

Once you’ve completed the recommended upgrades, submit an application along with any required documentation. Upon verification, we’ll provide you with an Energy Fit Homes certificate.


Making a home more energy efficient has one obvious benefit — cost savings. Your home simply uses less energy than before, which can save you hundreds of dollars a year on your energy bills. But energy efficiency is so much more than cost savings, and homeowners with Energy Fit Homes℠ certification know this first-hand.

Download our information sheet to learn more

The requirements for Energy Fit Homes certification are often cost-effective and achievable for Minnesota homeowners. Plus, each Energy Fitness Plan provided at the home assessment is customized to the age and building type of your home, so you have the assurance that any upgrades necessary to earn certification are both appropriate and beneficial.

Not all energy-saving upgrades need to be entirely out-of-pocket. Most utilities offer rebates and incentives for homeowners to help cut down on energy usage. The Energy Fitness Plan tells you exactly which rebates and incentives are available, further reducing the expense of any upgrades needed to earn Energy Fit Homes certification.

Looking at your energy bills can give you some idea of your energy usage, but it isn’t until after a third-party home assessment that you know the actual energy efficiency of a home. Using a set of measures consistent with national energy performance standards, Energy Fit Homes certification verifies that a home is truly an energy-efficient one.

Ever notice how 68 degrees doesn’t feel the same in every home? The culprit is often energy efficiency. In making the energy-saving upgrades to certify a home, you’re protecting it from the elements year-round. Even during the frigid winters of Minnesota, energy efficiency can deliver improved comfort that everyone in the family can enjoy.

As people continue to “go green,” energy efficiency makes a home more desirable. It could also increase the resale value of a home. With Energy Fit Homes certification, homebuyers know a home meets energy performance standards and could tip the scale in your favor for both purchase decision and price, helping you to recoup the cost of energy-saving upgrades.

Wasting energy does a lot more than waste your money. It has serious implications on the environment. By making energy-saving upgrades to your home, you simply consume less energy — energy created by the burning of fossil fuels. In turn, your home generates far less of the air pollution and greenhouse gases associated with environmental changes.

Energy Fit Homes certification says a lot about a home and provides the peace of mind that you’re doing the right thing for yourself, your family and your environment.

Energy efficiency is often thought of as a feature only benefiting the homeowner. It reduces the energy consumption of a home, thereby lowering utility bills and helping homeowners save money. Yet this fact, in and of itself, demonstrates how Energy Fit Homes℠ certification could be of real value to the real estate industry.

A Realtor's Guide to Energy Fit Homes

Why Buy an Energy Fit Home?


A 2011 survey by the National Association of Realtors found that 87% of homebuyers considered the cost of heating and cooling somewhat important when buying a home1. If a homebuyer has narrowed down his or her choices, Energy Fit Homes certification could very well solidify the decision to make an offer on a particular home.


Many homebuyers don’t know a thing about the real estate market, and they must defer to you for guidance. The more information you have at your disposal, the more value you add to the customer experience. With an Energy Fit Homes-certified property, you can share exactly how the house will provide greater comfort to homeowners and cost less to own.


Most homebuyers would rather invest in cosmetic updates to a home than energy-saving features. The requirements for Energy Fit Homes certification verifies that a home already meets the standards for energy efficiency, so homebuyers can save their money to do the things they really want to do to make a house their own.


Back in 2012, USA Today reported that green-certified homes sold for 8.5% more per square foot than their uncertified counterparts2. With Energy Fit Homes certification, you have one more tool to explain why a home is valued at a certain price, especially when the homebuyers can’t physically “see” the value.

Interested in finding out more or hosting a presentation?

To learn more about how Energy Fit Homes certification fits into the home-buying process, give us a call at (612) 335-3483 or email We are also available to give group presentations to further explain Energy Fit Homes.

Fill out the form below to request a home energy visit or call today 651-328-6220!